donderdag 14 november 2024

Kasàlà voor Niels Donvil (1976-2024) Door Ewoud Monbaliu

Kasàlà voor Niels Donvil (1976-2024)

Door Ewoud Monbaliu (Men 2 Business – Mannenfestival)



Wij groeten je Niels





Jij blijft voor ons, Hij-die-hier-het-Leven-ving-in-een-Lens. Liefst in Zwart-Wit.

Jij blijft voor ons, Hij-die-Schoonheid-Creëerde. Jij-die-Schoonheid-eerde. In een Flits.


Jij blijft voor ons, Liefhebbende Papa voor Rune, Hasse en Lars

Jij blijft voor ons, Liefhebbende Zoon voor Karl en Ingrid en geliefde voor Barbara

Jij blijft voor ons, schone broer voor Lieven en An, Heleen en Frank, Hendrik en Elke

In Eeuwig Licht blijf je verbonden door het Bloed.


Jij blijft voor ons, Zoekende Broeder. Geblutst Pantser. Breekbare Kracht. Eeuwig Licht.

Jij was voor ons, Zoeker-tot-waar-je-de-kracht-niet-meer-vond-om-leven-te-vinden

Jij bent Hij-die-het-leven-omarmde-wat-kon

Jij bent Hij-die-het-leven-losliet-toen-je-niet-meer-kon


Wij groeten je Niels

Wij eren je keuze

Dit was wat je kon

Nu is jouw grote Mensenspel gespeeld

Nu keer je terug naar je basisvorm

Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-deel-wordt-van-de-Grote-Puzzeldoos

Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-Klei-wordt-voor-de-Oorspronkelijke-Pottenbakker


Wij groeten je Niels
Jij bent nu, Hij-die-reist-buiten-tijd-en-ruimte

Jij bent nu, Hij-die-nieuwe-ondenkbare-dimensies-bezoekt-waar-je-ontelbare-Levenden-waarneemt

Jij bent nu, Hij-die-ons-herinnert-aan-de Glazen-Werkelijkheid

Jij bent nu, Hij-die-ons-de-scherven-toont-en-hoe-scherp-de-randen-zijn


Wij danken je Niels. Voor alle verhalen die we onzelf telkens vertellen

Wij eren jouw keuze. En wij herinneren ons jouw keuze.


Wij mensen zijn verhalen-vertellers
Welk verhaal vertellen we onszelf

Welk verhaal worden we


Wij eren het verhaal dat jij jezelf vertelde

En we herinneren, wij zijn niet ons verhaal


Wij groeten je Niels


Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-deel-wordt-van-de-Levende-Ononderbroken-Werkelijkheid


Nog eenmaal draai je je om

Jij bent nu-Hij-die-terugkeert-in-de-handen-van-het-Grote-Onnoembare

Jij bent nu Hij-die-ons-herinnert-dat-ook-wij-hier-deel-van-zijn


Wij groeten je Niels. We buigen voor je Leven. We danken je voor je Leven.

En alle zegeningen die hieruit vloeien.


Jij staat nu in de eeuwig stromende rivier van Licht en voorouders

Oceaan, hier kom ik aan


Tot ziens.
Tot wederziens.

woensdag 13 november 2024

DALL-E experiments

Mountainbiker racing downhill on a slippery windy track next to a very steep and high cliff in the rain

Creators will need to adapt to the age of ai in a similar way as how artistic painters had to adapt to the age of photography.

The rise of AI in creative fields has parallels with the impact of photography on painting. When photography emerged in the 19th century, painters faced a new challenge, as cameras could capture reality faster and more accurately than traditional techniques. This shift forced painters to rethink their role, ultimately leading to the development of new, expressive art forms, like Impressionism, Expressionism, and Abstract Art, which emphasized emotion, subjective experience, and innovation over realistic representation.

Similarly, AI is transforming creative industries today by automating tasks in writing, music, visual arts, and more, enabling rapid generation of content. While this may seem to threaten traditional roles, many creators are finding that AI can complement their work. Rather than replacing human creativity, AI can act as a tool for inspiration, collaboration, or efficiency, allowing artists to push boundaries and focus on conceptual or highly personal aspects of their work.

As artists adapted by finding unique niches and embracing the new potential offered by photography, creators today can thrive by leveraging AI for tasks that enhance their artistic expression. For instance, artists are using AI to experiment with styles, generate ideas, and even create works that explore themes of humanity, ethics, and technology, which only human insight can truly navigate.

dinsdag 12 november 2024

DALL-E experiments

  Make a drawing of an attractive woman torn apart figuratively between two lifestyles: a conformist lifestyle and a adventurous lifestyle


Intense change and hesitation

"periods of intense change slow down decision making and investments because many dominant designs are questioned and it takes time to adjust to these changes  "

Exactly. During periods of intense change, companies and individuals often hold back on making big decisions or investments because the landscape is shifting rapidly. Dominant designs—the established models, products, or standards in an industry—may become less stable, making it unclear which technologies, business models, or strategies will prevail. This uncertainty can lead to:

  1. Investment Hesitancy: Firms are reluctant to commit resources to initiatives that might soon be outdated or rendered irrelevant by new developments. This hesitancy can delay product launches, tech adoption, and even mergers or acquisitions.

  2. Decision-Making Paralysis: Uncertain environments make it difficult for leaders to commit to a single course of action, especially when there is no clear "winning" design or standard. Consequently, they may delay decisions while waiting for more clarity or additional information.

  3. Increased Focus on Flexibility: Instead of locking into one path, companies might focus on keeping options open, maintaining flexibility, or investing in adaptable systems that can evolve with the industry.

  4. Adaptation and Transition Costs: Adjusting to new dominant designs or standards can also be costly. Organizations may need to retrain staff, retool processes, or restructure their operations, all of which take time and resources.

This dynamic often causes a temporary lull in innovation or forward momentum, as stakeholders wait for a clearer picture of which trends will dominate before making major moves.


In one of the upper rooms of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford hangs a picture by a minor Danish nineteenth century artist, Claus Anton Kølle. Measuring around the size of a sheet of A4, the picture shows us a courtyard in Rome with a yellow wall, a conservatory roof, various kinds of trees and most significantly, at the centre of dense foliage, a handful of oranges. We can sometimes wonder what art is for. It has enormous prestige in our societies and yet there is considerable ongoing mystery as to its fundamental purpose. Why do governments give money to museums? Why do we send school children on improving trips to galleries? Why all the respect and reverence for pictures in a world with ostensibly graver priorities? Kølle's picture offers us one possible answer: art is there to refocus our attention on what matters most deeply. Traditionally, that would have meant drawing our minds back to the Virgin Mary or the Buddha, the King or a minister of state. But Kølle has a different target in mind: importance for him lies in some citrus fruits quietly growing in a sheltered spot in a busy city. These are his sacraments and his divinities. Yet the oranges are not - of course - just oranges. Kølle's painting is a sermon about not giving up, about hope, about the pleasures that still remain open to us even in dark circumstances, about our capacity for joy despite many kinds of suffering. The oranges are whatever remains nourishing and pleasurable. They are the project we're looking forward to starting, they're our very good friend we can call up at moments of crisis, the lover we have a playful nickname for, the five year old nephew we are taking out to the zoo next week, the book that comforts us. Kølle isn't denying that there might be darker forces around. He knew all about wars, tyranny, poverty and discord (his own life was notably difficult). But it's precisely because the horrors of existence are no secret that the more innocent, joyful, and pretty elements matter so much. Those 'oranges' aren't just nice (though they are that too); they are arguments against despair. Kølle never gained the fame or respect he felt he was owed. As is the case for most of us, his life was not quite as he wished it to be. Nevertheless, his achievement remains notable. He made a quiet unobtrusive masterpiece on which we can hang a whole philosophy of art - and of redemption. For a moment or two, across the centuries, he beams us a message: don't give up, keep searching for what can work out, stop being surprised by pain, look out - always, in the depths of the dark foliage - for the bright, sweet oranges. TO SAVE & SHARE: Image: Claus Anton Kølle, A courtyard in Rome, 1860
Minder tonen

AI and independent media

" in the age of AI, quality assurance for independent media outlets will become even more important but how do they remain relevant and competitive when so many people fall for clickbait and sensational massmedia  "

You're absolutely right—AI's impact on media consumption makes quality assurance for independent media more crucial than ever. With AI tools now capable of generating sensational, attention-grabbing content, it's easy for mass media to optimize engagement by exploiting readers' impulses. Independent outlets need to adapt carefully to counteract these trends while staying relevant and competitive.

Here are some strategies that could help:

### 1. **Emphasize Credibility and Transparency**
   Independent media outlets can build trust by making the journalistic process more transparent. Showing sources, explaining the research process, and detailing fact-checking practices can make readers feel more confident in the outlet's reliability.

### 2. **Harness AI for Verification and Insight**
   Just as AI can be used to create content, it can also be leveraged for quality assurance. Independent media could use AI for fact-checking, detecting biases, and ensuring the accuracy of sources. Additionally, AI analytics can help understand reader preferences in ways that align with quality content rather than mere clickbait.

### 3. **Offer Depth and Nuance**
   People are drawn to clickbait because it's designed for instant, emotional reactions. Independent media can provide in-depth, well-researched, and nuanced stories that help readers think critically. They can also explain complex topics in accessible ways without oversimplifying, giving readers a reason to seek them out for substance over hype.

### 4. **Cultivate a Loyal Audience through Community Engagement**
   Building a community around shared values and thoughtful discourse can lead to greater loyalty. Independent outlets can host live discussions, Q&A sessions with journalists, or member-only events to create a sense of belonging and attract people who are committed to quality journalism.

### 5. **Use AI to Combat Misinformation Proactively**
   Many readers feel overwhelmed by misinformation. Outlets can stand out by using AI-driven tools to track and dispel fake news, debunk viral rumors, and even educate readers on media literacy. This proactive stance against misinformation can establish the outlet as a trusted source.

### 6. **Curate Personalized Experiences**
   AI can help independent outlets provide a more tailored experience without compromising on quality. For instance, AI-driven recommendation engines can suggest articles based on user interests or encourage deeper dives into certain topics. When done thoughtfully, this can enhance engagement and make readers feel their time is well-spent.

### 7. **Highlight Positive Impacts of Quality Journalism**
   Independent media can spotlight the tangible outcomes of their investigations or reporting, especially on issues that mainstream media may overlook. Stories about positive impacts from past reporting—such as policy changes, social impact, or community support—can reinforce their relevance and value.

### 8. **Offer Alternatives to Ad-Driven Revenue Models**
   Ad-driven models often push outlets toward clickbait to meet revenue goals. By diversifying revenue streams through subscriptions, donations, or sponsorships from values-aligned brands, outlets can prioritize quality content over sensationalism.

By implementing these strategies, independent media can attract readers who value accuracy and depth, building a sustainable audience that looks beyond the allure of clickbait. They have an opportunity to become beacons of responsible journalism in an era of AI-driven mass content production.

zaterdag 2 november 2024

The Red Hand Files - Nick Cave over AI

The Red Hand Files

ISSUE #248 / AUGUST 2023

I work in the music industry and there is a lot of excitement around ChatGPT. I was talking to a songwriter in a band that was using ChatGPT to write his lyrics, because it was so much 'faster and easier.' I couldn't really argue against that. I know you've talked about ChatGPT before, but what's wrong with making things faster and easier?



Any advice to a young songwriter just starting out?


Dear Leon and Charlie,

In the story of the creation, God makes the world, and everything in it, in six days. On the seventh day he rests. The day of rest is significant because it suggests that the creation required a certain effort on God's part, that some form of artistic struggle had taken place. This struggle is the validating impulse that gives God's world its intrinsic meaning. The world becomes more than just an object full of other objects, rather it is imbued with the vital spirit, the pneuma, of its creator.

ChatGPT rejects any notions of creative struggle, that our endeavours animate and nurture our lives giving them depth and meaning. It rejects that there is a collective, essential and unconscious human spirit underpinning our existence, connecting us all through our mutual striving.

ChatGPT is fast-tracking the commodification of the human spirit by mechanising the imagination. It renders our participation in the act of creation as valueless and unnecessary.  That 'songwriter 'you were talking to, Leon, who is using ChatGPT to write 'his' lyrics because it is 'faster and easier ,'is participating in this erosion of the world's soul and the spirit of humanity itself and, to put it politely, should fucking desist if he wants to continue calling himself a songwriter.

ChatGPT's intent is to eliminate the process of creation  and its attendant challenges, viewing it as nothing more than a time-wasting inconvenience that stands in the way of the commodity itself. Why strive?, it contends. Why bother with the artistic process and its accompanying trials? Why shouldn't we make it 'faster and easier?'

When the God of the Bible looked upon what He had created, He did so with a sense of accomplishment and saw that 'it was good''It was good 'because it required something of His own self, and His struggle imbued creation with a moral imperative, in short love. Charlie, even though the creative act requires considerable effort, in the end you will be contributing to the vast network of love that supports human existence. There are all sorts of temptations in this world that will eat away at your creative spirit, but none more fiendish than that boundless machine of artistic demoralisation, ChatGPT.

As humans, we so often feel helpless in our own smallness, yet still we find the resilience to do and make beautiful things, and this is where the meaning of life resides. Nature reminds us of this constantly. The world is often cast as a purely malignant place, but still the joy of creation exerts itself, and as the sun rises upon the struggle of the day, the Great Crested Grebe dances upon the water. It is our striving that becomes the very essence of meaning. This impulse – the creative dance – that is now being so cynically undermined, must be defended at all costs, and just as we would fight any existential evil, we should fight it tooth and nail, for we are fighting for the very soul of the world

Het oordeel van Cambyses - Groeningemuseum Brugge