3 lusvormige trails in de Dolomieten
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- Seceda- Sassolungo- Lago di Braies- Tre Cime di Lavaredo- Mordor
3 lusvormige trails in de Dolomieten
Andere highlights
- Seceda- Sassolungo- Lago di Braies- Tre Cime di Lavaredo- Mordor
That's an insightful question. The ease of creating beautiful videos with AI indeed raises concerns about their emotional value and cultural significance. Here are some perspectives on this issue:
Traditionally, the emotional value of art often correlates with the perceived effort and skill involved in its creation. Knowing a video required years of expertise, planning, and hard work can make it feel more special. If AI makes high-quality video creation effortless, some might argue it devalues the medium by flooding the market with content that lacks a personal, human touch.
The emotional value of a video often depends on its context rather than its technical perfection. For instance:
AI can enhance storytelling, but the authenticity and intention behind a creation remain key to its emotional resonance.
If stunning visuals become ubiquitous, people might become desensitized to their beauty. This has happened with other forms of media (e.g., digital photography or CGI in movies). What was once groundbreaking can feel mundane when it becomes commonplace.
On the flip side, AI democratizes video creation, enabling people without technical skills to express themselves creatively. Personal stories and unique perspectives can now be shared more widely, which could enhance the emotional diversity and relatability of videos.
AI-generated videos lack the human imperfections and emotional subtleties that often make art deeply moving. For this reason, human-created videos may retain their appeal, especially in contexts where authenticity matters.
Rather than diminishing the emotional value of videos, AI could redefine it. The challenge is ensuring AI remains a tool for amplifying human creativity and not a replacement for it. By blending human intention with AI's capabilities, creators might produce works that are both technically impressive and emotionally profound.
What do you think? Could AI's accessibility lead to a renaissance of personal storytelling, or does it risk overwhelming us with soulless content?
Pre-raffaëlitisch verwijst naar de kunst- en literaire stroming van de Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB), een groep kunstenaars en schrijvers die in 1848 in Engeland werd opgericht. Ze noemden zichzelf "pre-raffaëlitisch" omdat ze terug wilden keren naar de heldere, gedetailleerde en symbolisch rijke stijl van kunst die bestond vóór de tijd van de Italiaanse schilder Raphael (1483–1520). Ze beschouwden zijn werk, en dat van de kunstenaars na hem, als te academisch en verstoken van spiritualiteit.
Kenmerken van pre-raffaëlitische kunst:
1. Inspiratie uit de natuur: Gedetailleerde en realistische weergaven van flora, fauna en landschappen.
2. Symbolisme: Objecten en scènes hadden vaak diepere betekenissen.
3. Middeleeuwse thema's: Veel werken bevatten verhalen uit de middeleeuwen, de Bijbel, mythologie of Shakespeare.
4. Heldere kleuren en nauwkeurige details: Ze gebruikten een verfijnde techniek om levendige kleuren en texturen te creëren.
5. Romantische en melancholische sfeer: De schilderijen hebben vaak een dromerige, melancholische of mysterieuze uitstraling.
Belangrijke leden:
• Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Vooral bekend om zijn schilderijen van vrouwen met opvallende rood haar en intense expressies.
• John Everett Millais: Zijn schilderij Ophelia (1851-1852) is een beroemd voorbeeld van de stroming.
• William Holman Hunt: Gefascineerd door religieuze en morele thema's.
Literatuur en invloed:
Naast schilderkunst speelden poëzie en literatuur een belangrijke rol. Rossetti was ook dichter, en de beweging beïnvloedde schrijvers zoals Algernon Swinburne en William Morris. De stroming legde bovendien de basis voor de latere Arts and Crafts-beweging.
Bekende werken:
• Ophelia (Millais)
• The Light of the World (Hunt) > Heb ik gezien in St Paul's Cathedral in Londen
• Proserpine (Rossetti)
Het pre-raffaëlitisme benadrukte eerlijkheid, schoonheid en de spirituele kracht van kunst, en het vormt nog steeds een invloedrijke beweging in de kunstgeschiedenis.
Elon Musk's views on government efficiency and his critiques of bureaucratic systems may not fully account for the balancing role the civil justice system plays in protecting individual rights and ensuring accountability. Musk often emphasizes speed, innovation, and lean management, inspired by private-sector principles. However, this focus can sometimes conflict with the deliberate pace and complexity of the civil justice system, which prioritizes fairness, transparency, and thoroughness over efficiency.
Here are a few ways in which he might be underestimating its power:
1. Checks and Balances:
The civil justice system acts as a crucial check on government overreach, corporate malfeasance, and violations of individual rights. Proposals to streamline or simplify governance processes might inadvertently weaken these safeguards.
2. Due Process:
Efficiency-driven reforms could clash with the principle of due process. The civil justice system ensures that decisions are made carefully, allowing all parties to present their case, which is essential in upholding justice even if it slows down proceedings.
3. Public Accountability:
Courts provide a forum for holding powerful entities, including governments and corporations, accountable. The transparency and scrutiny involved in civil litigation serve as a counterbalance to the risk of unchecked authority that could arise in an overly streamlined system.
4. Complexity of Societal Issues:
Government inefficiency often stems from the complexity of managing diverse stakeholders and priorities. While Musk's efficiency-driven approach works well for focused, profit-driven ventures, public systems must address broader societal needs, which the civil justice system helps to adjudicate.
5. Precedent and Stability:
The legal system relies on precedent to provide consistency and predictability. Rapid changes aimed at increasing efficiency might disrupt this stability, creating unintended legal and societal consequences.
That said, Musk's critiques do highlight genuine issues, such as excessive red tape or slow adaptation to technological change. However, any reforms should carefully balance efficiency with the civil justice system's fundamental role in protecting rights and ensuring fair governance.
Kasàlà voor Niels Donvil (1976-2024)
Door Ewoud Monbaliu (Men 2 Business – Mannenfestival)
Wij groeten je Niels
Jij blijft voor ons, Hij-die-hier-het-Leven-ving-in-een-Lens. Liefst in Zwart-Wit.
Jij blijft voor ons, Hij-die-Schoonheid-Creëerde. Jij-die-Schoonheid-eerde. In een Flits.
Jij blijft voor ons, Liefhebbende Papa voor Rune, Hasse en Lars
Jij blijft voor ons, Liefhebbende Zoon voor Karl en Ingrid en geliefde voor Barbara
Jij blijft voor ons, schone broer voor Lieven en An, Heleen en Frank, Hendrik en Elke
In Eeuwig Licht blijf je verbonden door het Bloed.
Jij blijft voor ons, Zoekende Broeder. Geblutst Pantser. Breekbare Kracht. Eeuwig Licht.
Jij was voor ons, Zoeker-tot-waar-je-de-kracht-niet-meer-vond-om-leven-te-vinden
Jij bent Hij-die-het-leven-omarmde-wat-kon
Jij bent Hij-die-het-leven-losliet-toen-je-niet-meer-kon
Wij groeten je Niels
Wij eren je keuze
Dit was wat je kon
Nu is jouw grote Mensenspel gespeeld
Nu keer je terug naar je basisvorm
Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-deel-wordt-van-de-Grote-Puzzeldoos
Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-Klei-wordt-voor-de-Oorspronkelijke-Pottenbakker
Wij groeten je Niels
Jij bent nu, Hij-die-reist-buiten-tijd-en-ruimte
Jij bent nu, Hij-die-nieuwe-ondenkbare-dimensies-bezoekt-waar-je-ontelbare-Levenden-waarneemt
Jij bent nu, Hij-die-ons-herinnert-aan-de Glazen-Werkelijkheid
Jij bent nu, Hij-die-ons-de-scherven-toont-en-hoe-scherp-de-randen-zijn
Wij danken je Niels. Voor alle verhalen die we onzelf telkens vertellen
Wij eren jouw keuze. En wij herinneren ons jouw keuze.
Wij mensen zijn verhalen-vertellers
Welk verhaal vertellen we onszelf
Welk verhaal worden we
Wij eren het verhaal dat jij jezelf vertelde
En we herinneren, wij zijn niet ons verhaal
Wij groeten je Niels
Jij bent nu Hij-die-terug-deel-wordt-van-de-Levende-Ononderbroken-Werkelijkheid
Nog eenmaal draai je je om
Jij bent nu-Hij-die-terugkeert-in-de-handen-van-het-Grote-Onnoembare
Jij bent nu Hij-die-ons-herinnert-dat-ook-wij-hier-deel-van-zijn
Wij groeten je Niels. We buigen voor je Leven. We danken je voor je Leven.
En alle zegeningen die hieruit vloeien.
Jij staat nu in de eeuwig stromende rivier van Licht en voorouders
Oceaan, hier kom ik aan
Tot ziens.
Tot wederziens.
Similarly, AI is transforming creative industries today by automating tasks in writing, music, visual arts, and more, enabling rapid generation of content. While this may seem to threaten traditional roles, many creators are finding that AI can complement their work. Rather than replacing human creativity, AI can act as a tool for inspiration, collaboration, or efficiency, allowing artists to push boundaries and focus on conceptual or highly personal aspects of their work.
As artists adapted by finding unique niches and embracing the new potential offered by photography, creators today can thrive by leveraging AI for tasks that enhance their artistic expression. For instance, artists are using AI to experiment with styles, generate ideas, and even create works that explore themes of humanity, ethics, and technology, which only human insight can truly navigate.
Exactly. During periods of intense change, companies and individuals often hold back on making big decisions or investments because the landscape is shifting rapidly. Dominant designs—the established models, products, or standards in an industry—may become less stable, making it unclear which technologies, business models, or strategies will prevail. This uncertainty can lead to:
Investment Hesitancy: Firms are reluctant to commit resources to initiatives that might soon be outdated or rendered irrelevant by new developments. This hesitancy can delay product launches, tech adoption, and even mergers or acquisitions.
Decision-Making Paralysis: Uncertain environments make it difficult for leaders to commit to a single course of action, especially when there is no clear "winning" design or standard. Consequently, they may delay decisions while waiting for more clarity or additional information.
Increased Focus on Flexibility: Instead of locking into one path, companies might focus on keeping options open, maintaining flexibility, or investing in adaptable systems that can evolve with the industry.
Adaptation and Transition Costs: Adjusting to new dominant designs or standards can also be costly. Organizations may need to retrain staff, retool processes, or restructure their operations, all of which take time and resources.
This dynamic often causes a temporary lull in innovation or forward momentum, as stakeholders wait for a clearer picture of which trends will dominate before making major moves.
Dear Leon and Charlie,
In the story of the creation, God makes the world, and everything in it, in six days. On the seventh day he rests. The day of rest is significant because it suggests that the creation required a certain effort on God's part, that some form of artistic struggle had taken place. This struggle is the validating impulse that gives God's world its intrinsic meaning. The world becomes more than just an object full of other objects, rather it is imbued with the vital spirit, the pneuma, of its creator.
ChatGPT rejects any notions of creative struggle, that our endeavours animate and nurture our lives giving them depth and meaning. It rejects that there is a collective, essential and unconscious human spirit underpinning our existence, connecting us all through our mutual striving.
ChatGPT is fast-tracking the commodification of the human spirit by mechanising the imagination. It renders our participation in the act of creation as valueless and unnecessary. That 'songwriter 'you were talking to, Leon, who is using ChatGPT to write 'his' lyrics because it is 'faster and easier ,'is participating in this erosion of the world's soul and the spirit of humanity itself and, to put it politely, should fucking desist if he wants to continue calling himself a songwriter.
ChatGPT's intent is to eliminate the process of creation and its attendant challenges, viewing it as nothing more than a time-wasting inconvenience that stands in the way of the commodity itself. Why strive?, it contends. Why bother with the artistic process and its accompanying trials? Why shouldn't we make it 'faster and easier?'
When the God of the Bible looked upon what He had created, He did so with a sense of accomplishment and saw that 'it was good'. 'It was good 'because it required something of His own self, and His struggle imbued creation with a moral imperative, in short love. Charlie, even though the creative act requires considerable effort, in the end you will be contributing to the vast network of love that supports human existence. There are all sorts of temptations in this world that will eat away at your creative spirit, but none more fiendish than that boundless machine of artistic demoralisation, ChatGPT.
As humans, we so often feel helpless in our own smallness, yet still we find the resilience to do and make beautiful things, and this is where the meaning of life resides. Nature reminds us of this constantly. The world is often cast as a purely malignant place, but still the joy of creation exerts itself, and as the sun rises upon the struggle of the day, the Great Crested Grebe dances upon the water. It is our striving that becomes the very essence of meaning. This impulse – the creative dance – that is now being so cynically undermined, must be defended at all costs, and just as we would fight any existential evil, we should fight it tooth and nail, for we are fighting for the very soul of the world
is a well-known tale from Greek mythology. Yet, there is a pivotal piece of the
story that most depictions of the tale miss.
One of the
most famous books in Homer's Odyssey is the story of Ulysses & The Sirens.
Upon his
return home from the Trojan war, Ulysses (known also as Odysseus) encounters
the Sirens- Beautiful creatures of the sea, whose singing bewitches sailors and
lures them to their deaths.
curious, but aware of the deadly nature of the Siren's hypnotising voices,
instructs his men to plug their ears with beeswax and to tie him to the ship's
He then
orders them to, under no circumstances, follow his command, while passing the
Siren's rocky islands.
anticipated, upon approaching the Siren's islands, Ulysses becomes enchanted by
the deadly sea creatures' singing. He commands (and then begs and cries) that
his men to untie him.
With their
ears full of beeswax, the Ulysses' crew members see the Sirens for exactly what
they are - deadly monsters.
With this
clear view of the Sirens and Ulysess' original orders in mind, they ignore the
desperate cries of their captain, rowing the boat to safety.
This story
of Ulysses is often used to demonstrate the limitations of willpower, and why
making smart adjustments to one's physical and social environment can be an
effective approach in resolving self-control challenges.
Ulysses is
depicted as this independent and thoughtful choice architect who, being
self-aware of his willpower limits, anticipates an approaching self-control
failure, and sets up his environment to prevent such failure from occurring.
that isn't quite right...
Homer's tale more closely reveals an important piece of the story, that the
above-mentioned and commonly told depiction doesn't capture:
Ulysses did
not anticipate the Sirens encounter. Nor did he think to plug his men's ears
with beeswax or tie himself to the mast.
According to
Homer's story, it was the Greek Goddess, Circe, who warned Ulysses of the
Sirens and suggested that if he wanted to listen, he would need to order his
crew to plug their ears and bind him to the mast.
Circe even
provides Ulysses with beeswax to plug his men's ears.
Not only is
the inclusion of Circe's role a more accurate representation of Ulysses and his
encounter with the Sirens. I think it is also a better model to have in mind
when trying to resolve our self-control challenges.
In this
tale, Circe represents a supportive ally.
A supportive
ally is someone who has our best interests at heart. Someone who can help us
see ourselves, our blind spots and any approaching tripwires we've missed.
It is also
someone who can help us think through ways to prevent failures and implement
those changes properly.
Life can be
complex and hard.
A supportive
ally or group of allies, that can take on the role of Circe, is one of the best
things you can have with you when architecting your physical and social
context, to meet your goals.
This doesn't
relieve you of any responsibility. Ulysses still had to give his men the
beeswax and command them to bind him to the mask.
You still
need to execute. Allies just improve the chances that you see the challenge
clearly and plan properly.
This is what
I am building with Circles in Time.
A community
of allies from around the world, who can support one another in setting goals
and resolving the self-control challenges that all of us face on a daily basis.
Each of us
playing the role of both Circe and Ulysses, simultaneously.